Meet Olyver

Olyver was our founder’s soul dog. He was adopted at the perfect age of five years old, and, as luck would have it, it turned out he came with a bladder full of stones. Olyver had surgery a few days after being brought home, and his lifetime of medical oddities began.

Throughout his next nine beautiful years of life, Olyver was diagnosed with every disease, illness, and condition under the sun. He came back from what was declared a certain death on multiple occasions. Olyver was nothing short of a fighter. He would not and could not give up. His mom fought right alongside him, always being his voice and never underestimating the simple power of love.

She didn’t know it then, but this is where her passion for screaming for the voiceless was born. Fighting for the ones who can’t fight for themselves (or, fighting for the ones who have spent far too long fighting for themselves) is what Olyver & Co. is all about.

Olyver never gave up. And neither will we.

You may be wondering: why bully breeds?

Olyver is very clearly NOT a bully breed. After Olyver passed, he sent his mom Eleanor, and Eleanor is a bully breed. Eleanor came with lots of her own baggage - some has resolved, some will never resolve. But, Olyver picked Eleanor, thus he has his little Frito-smelling paw in our love and advocacy for the bullies. Everything we do here ties back to Olyver. He was the start of it all and is why we’re all here.