Our Mission

There are “adoptable” rescue dogs and there are “unadoptable” rescue dogs. At Olyver & Co, the “unadoptable” dogs are our jam. Everyone deserves a second chance and judging a dog’s behavior or personality based on how they act in an environment or situation that stresses them out is, simply, not fair.

Our mission is to provide a safe place to land and rehabilitation to the dogs who need it most - the ones most other rescues wouldn’t touch. Our mission is not “retail rescue” or “flipping dogs.” Our fosters may take longer to find their families, but we’ll be cheering them on and advocating for them until they do.

While Olyver & Co doesn’t strive to be a breed-specific rescue, our heart lies with the block heads. Bully breeds are highly misrepresented and stereotyped, not to mention, overpopulated. We’re here to stomp out the noise and help educate the community on how amazing bully breeds truly are.